‘Mutually Beneficial Relationships’ Paramount strongly believes, where the focus is to provide inventive and valued products and services for all segments of the market. It not just sells woven fabrics, also strives to understand the needs and the expectations of the customers, leverages its people, technology, experience and expertise to compete in the toughest environment and stresses highly on quality and customer satisfaction. Strong foundation of quality control and assurance system enable Paramount to maintain the desired output throughout the entire manufacturing process. It performs tests on products with regard to absorbency, feel, before and after wash appearance, strength, shrinkage etc adhering to international quality certifications.
National Export Trophy
Received National Export Trophy for the 6th year from Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Textile category for contributing in Export earnings and growth. Mr. Shakhawat Hossain, Managing Director of Paramount Textile received the trophy. The occasion was arranged by Export Promotion Bureau.
Global Trade Leaders Club
Paramount Textile awarded the International Trophy for Quality from Global Trade Leaders' Club. AHM Habibur Rahman, Director of the Company receiving the award from Ricardo Roso Lopez, Secretary General and CEO of Global Trade Leaders' Club on behalf of the Company. M Shahidul Islam, Ambassador, Ambssade du Bangladesh in France was also present on this occasion.
Paramount Textile won the “First Position” in “ICMAB Best Corporate Award-2018” in Textile Manufacturing Category. Mr. Mohammad Jahidul Abedin, Chief Financial Officer of the Company received the award from Mr. M.A.Mannan MP, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Planning GoB at Hotel Inter Continental , Dhaka.
6th ICSB National Award
Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) organized its 6th ICSB National Award for Corporate Governance Excellence, 2018 on Saturday, December 21, 2018 at Grand Ball Room, Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden. In Textiles and RMG Companies category, Paramount Textile Limited got the Silver Award.